Pet Keeping Guide


You are reading the Pet Keeping guide. In this guide, you will learn how to bond with pets, keep them happy, improve their level, and ensure you don’t make common pet mistakes.

In Eternal Fantasy Online, all monsters—which include animals—may become pets. That does not mean that all monsters should become pets.

The more dangerous the prospective pet is, the more it takes to bond with them and the more Familiar Energy is required to summon them.

Unlike Nauflings and mounts, pets do not like to be desummoned. If a pet is left desummoned for long, the bond between master and pet may degrade and break. Should this happen, you will be attacked the next time they are summoned.


I’m going to get the cogging biggest monster I can find and make it my pet.


I don’t think that’s smart. Unlike Nauflings and mounts, pets require feeding. A big pet would require a lot of food.


I’ve been saying this forever, food isn’t going to be a problem, man

We’re going to be living the dream with all-you-can-eat buffets at every meal

And we won’t have to worry about getting fat

It’s going to be cogging awesome! I can’t wait to die!



But you still have to worry about training your pet to not attack people or destroy their property. You also have to keep them summoned or risk losing your bond. I can’t imagine you keeping a large monster out all the time. Will it fit in your house?


My house is going to be massive

Everyone will live in mansions with swimming pools


Do you even know how to swim?


Man, I can learn


A pet is a monster that bonds with you. All monsters have unique requirements for bonding, which this guide will not cover. We will, however, offer the common methods.

There are five main methods for bonding: food, competition, honor, saving the monster, and raising the monster from birth.

Food. If you provide the prospective pet its preferred food, there’s a chance it’ll bond with you. This may take several meals and an understanding of the monster’s preferred diet. The higher rarity the food is, the higher its chances of working.

Note: If the monster’s preferred diet is a playable race, you may be required to trick others into the monster’s den. This is tricky and may present reputation problems. Further, once bonded, the monster will expect similar food going forward. Only pursue this type of pet if you have chosen to be a villain.

Competition. Some monsters require that you prove that you are better at something the monster excels at. This may be combat, a race, magical power, or a display of logic, among others.

Honor. Monsters that have a strong moral sense may only bond with players who have a high reputation for acts of good. Likewise, other monsters may only bond with those who are dishonorable.

Saving the Monster. There are opportunities where a monster may need saving from other monsters or players. Preventing the death of a monster may bind you to it.

Raising a Pet. The easiest way to create a bond with a monster is to either hatch it or steal it at a young age. This may take the longest, but it almost always works.

Pet Training

Please be aware that all pets require some training. When they behave poorly, it’s important that you discipline the pet, or they will continue to act in such ways. The same goes for rewarding good behavior.

The master of a pet is responsible for anything the pet does. So if the pet attacks the city guards or another player, the master will suffer reputation damage. Likewise, if the pet steals or break the laws of the local faction, you will be the one to pay the fine or serve time.


Did you read this?


I totally understand the requirements of having a cogging awesome monster pet


Okay, I was making sure. I just don’t understand why you would want to deal with all of this, given the possible consequences.


What pet do you want?


Something small would be ideal. The Kykin look like they’d make for a good pet. They can talk and purr when you pet them.


Bah, good luck with that

In the hidden database, I read their bonding requirement

You have to break their mask without that being your intent

Then they need to be grateful

Talk about impossible requirements!

Desummoning & Death

All pets can be desummoned at any time, but once desummoned, they require 10 minutes before they are available for resummoning.

A desummoned pet is placed within the Pet Zone that holds all pets of similar origin. The pet’s stats—most notably, Stamina and Satiated—do not change while in the Pet Zone.

Pets do not like to be desummoned. They view the Pet Zone to be fake, and living there for a prolonged time may create feelings of resentment, which degrades the bond between pet and master.

If a pet dies, it is desummoned for 20 hours—a full day. Be careful with your pets. Multiple deaths may degrade your bond.

Pet Diet

All pets, even undead pets, have a diet. Skeletal pets may require something to die near them, so they can absorb life energy before it ascends to the Celestial Plane.

If a pet goes hungry, you risk degrading your bond. It is better to desummon the pet than to let it go hungry.

Before bonding with a pet, be aware of its diet requirements. Certain foods may be difficult to obtain or expensive. Be sure to understand the responsibility you are undertaking before pursuing your bond.

Pet Levels

Pets, like players, may gain levels, which are capped at 10. These levels affect the implicit and explicit skills of the pet.

Most pets gain combat experience, which does not take from the player. If the player gains 100xp from killing a monster, the pet gains the same amount.

Some pets, however, do not progress through combat. These are utility-based pets used for such things as cooking, farming, fishing, and gathering.

The type of experience your pet receives will be indicated within its Information Box. All pets require a flat 10,000xp to progress to the next level.

Pet Summoning Limits

There are no hard limits on how many pets a player may have summoned at once. This is entirely based on how much Familiar Energy the player has and how much Familiar Energy the pets require.

Strong or intelligent pets may require more Familiar Energy than lesser pets. This requirement does not change as the pet levels.

Players may increase their Familiar Energy stat with attribute points or equipment that either boosts the player’s attributes, provides direct Familiar Energy, or reduces the Familiar Energy cost of all equipped pets or pet type.

Note: If you rely on equipment to maintain enough Familiar Energy for your pets, be aware that losing your equipment may force you to keep some pets desummoned, jeopardizing your bond.

Releasing a Pet

When a pet is no longer needed, it cannot be sold or traded. The bond between pet and master is unique and—for the most part—cannot be replicated.

Pets that are released are returned to their point of origin. This can disrupt the balance of power in that area, promoting your pet as a boss for others to fight.

Distance Limit

By default, pets may exist up to 200 feet from you. If the pet moves beyond this limit, it will become desummoned, incurring the 10-minute cooldown before resummoning.

Some pets, such as flying pets or pets trained for scouting, may exist further away from you. Gear may also affect this limit.

Pets vs Mounts

Pets and mounts have many similarities and differences. This section of the guide hopes to clarify these items so you’re better informed.

  • Mounts are not pets, but pets can be mounts if they are large enough. Unlike a mount, however, this does not provide you with a saddle or harness.
  • Mounts have skills that can be triggered. Pets trigger their own skills when they wish.
  • Mounts do not count against your Familiar Energy, but you can only use one at a time. Pets do count against your familiar energy, and you can have multiple summoned at once.
  • Mounts do not require food.
  • Mounts may attack, but taking damage more than a fourth of their health will desummon them. This means mounts do not die. Pets can lose their full health.
  • Mounts cannot be used in dungeons unless tamed within the given dungeon. Pets can be used in dungeons but may count as a party member, increasing dungeon difficulty.
  • Mounts can be resummoned after one minute unless they are forced to be desummoned by losing more than a fourth of their life. If this happens, they receive the Summon Shock debuff, which takes ten minutes to clear.
  • Mounts are not intended to be summoned at all times and do not mind the Pet Zone.

This concludes the Pet Keeping guide. There are other guides you should read to better enjoy your time in Eternal Fantasy Online. Below is a simple index of subjects that players found interesting.



  • Acquiring Your Mount
  • Nauflings
  • The Pet Zone
  • Uncommon Pets

Food & Drink

  • Satiated System
  • Cooking
  • Gathering Ingredients
  • Trade & Barter


  • Dungeon Instances
  • Party Size & Difficulty
  • Prime Treasures
  • Dynamic Events

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