How to Farm Guide


You are reading the How to Farm guide. In this guide, you will learn how to claim a Wild Farm, where to get seeds, how to plant seeds, potential problems with crops, harvesting, and more.


I can’t imagine anyone wanting to be a farmer in the next life

Just about everyone who would want to has died


Just check the information.


You think I’m wrong?


I just don’t want to think about it. My aunt worked in agriculture.


Oh, I’m sorry for your loss, man

Farm vs. Garden

A farm is a dedicated piece of land set aside to grow produce. They cannot be created at any given location—see Restricted Locations—unless a Land Claim is used or a Zone’s owner designates a piece of land for farming.

Please note that it can be very difficult to reclassify a Zone’s designated spaces if those spaces are now owned by other players. Be sure to keep this in mind if you wish to acquire your own Zone.

A garden, on the other hand, can be created within a residential area or business area. Do note that even if the same seeds are planted, plants in a garden do not grow nearly as fast as they do on a farm. There are also some limitations on what will grow. Select the seed for more information.

Restricted Locations

The first thing to know about farms is that there are limited locations where farms can be developed. This ensures farms are spread out across the Lands and don’t disrupt the ecological balance.

Farms cannot be built within 3,000 feet of any faction. They either must be cultivated from an existing Wild Farm or have a Zone owner designate an area for farming, which must accommodate the farm’s size requirement.

Land Claims can be used to create a farm but cannot be placed within 3,000 feet of other claimed territories.

Wild Farm

Every Land has designated farm locations, even Lands that wouldn’t typically be used for such things, such as underwater Lands, ice-covered Lands, or volcanic Lands.

Special plants can grow in these adverse conditions, presenting new challenges for the experienced farmer.

Anyone can claim a Wild Farm. To do so, enter the farm, trigger an Information Box, and request to be the owner. Others, including monster tribes, may attempt to take over your farm, so be sure to protect it!

Where Are The Seeds?

Seeds can be found from chests, mobs, and overgrown plants in the Wilds. Any produce—often produce close to its expiration, noted by current durability—can be reduced to its seed form.

Seeds do not have durability and thus do not expire. Each type of produce will yield a different amount of seeds.

Not all players are farmers. They will come across seeds in their normal adventures and trade them at the market, making the general market a great place to find seeds, especially higher rarity seeds that may be used to grow more expensive crops.

How to Plant Seeds

Unlike the real world, seeds are planted using your game screen. Summon an Information Box for a plot of land and select the seed type you wish to use. The System will tell you how many seeds are necessary to fill the plot size you have selected.

Do note that different seed types cannot be mixed. If you do not have enough of the specified type of seed, the selected plot will simply not be fully utilized.

To grow other crops, create additional plots within the designated farmland. It is ideal to grow a diverse selection of plants and rotate the crops to prevent potential problems.

Crop Requirements

All crops have their unique requirements. If these requirements are not met, yields may be affected, or there may be no produce.

Such requirements include water, sunshine, soil type, spacing, crop rotation, enclosures and supports, and climate.

By selecting the seed you wish to grow, this information may be available depending on your farming level and the seed’s rarity and rank. Of course, this information may be purchased from others to jumpstart your farming efforts.

Crop Problems

There is no rest for the farmer. Even if all of a crop’s requirements are met, there may be problems that affect your yield: weeds, pests, monsters, other players, and inclement weather.

The larger your farm, the more attractive it is to others. Beginner farms—identified as level 2 or lower—are immune to pests, monsters, and thieves. Growing your farm beyond the beginner level introduces more problems, but this is offset by the ability to generate more profit.

Be warned that growing too much of a single type of vegetable or fruit may generate resource guardians. While a resource guardian helps fight off pests, monsters, and other players, they are not your friends and will need to be dealt with before harvesting.


All crops have an ideal time to be harvested. To harvest a crop, simply summon an Information Box for the intended crop, and select Harvest.

If the crop is not harvested before its harvest window closes, the crop will go to seed, drastically reducing yield. Of course, if you intend to create seeds, this is a more effective way than converting produce to seeds.


Reading this just makes me hungry

The next world is going to have an abundance of food

I’ll eat myself cogging sick every day


Food will be interesting to watch. Same with the economy. We’re about to dump two thousand people into a city with starting money. That’ll be a huge influx of money and a strain on the current demand for resources.


It’ll be fine, man

You keep saying the developers know what they are doing

But if you’re so concerned, you should submit a ticket


No, you’re right. I’m sure they have something in place to handle this stuff.

This concludes the How to Farm guide. There are other guides you should read to better enjoy your time in Eternal Fantasy Online. Below is a simple index of subjects that players found interesting.



  • Currency
  • Contracts
  • Market
  • Taxes


  • Registration
  • Store & Booth
  • Black Market
  • Reputation


  • Recipes
  • Blueprints
  • Durability

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